2016 SUNDAY SHOW | |
Best in Show Ms. P W Laurans |
GCHP2 Cr Wicca’s Trade Secret Akita A Bavaria/C Burke/T Bavaria/J Charnik |
Reserve Best in Show Ms. P W Laurans |
Lakeridge Cahal Irish Terrier A Barker/J Barker |
Best Owner-Handled Show Ms. B J Wood |
Wildwood’s Bengal Tigress Airedale Terrier K Wood/C Werthamer |
Reserve Best Owner-Handled in Show Ms. B J Wood |
CH Sapphire N Twin Oaks From The Heart English Springer Spaniel L Camisi/A Van Meter |
Best Junior Handler | Emma Rogers |
The Sporting Group Mrs. Vicki Abbott |
GRP1 | GCHG CH Vermilion’s Sea Breeze Irish Setter |
GRP2 | GCHP CH Doc’s Greyborn North Star Of Acadia Weimaraner |
GRP3 | GCHP CH Legacy Random Titleist English Springer Spaniel |
GRP4 | GCH CH Kamand’s Full Of Beans @ Erinhill Sussex Spaniel |
OHG1 | CH Sapphire N Twin Oaks From The Heart English Springer Spaniel |
OHG2 | GCH CH Pinecliff’s Pot Of Gold Cocker Spaniel ASCOB |
OHG3 | GCH CH Charms Causin’ Commotion Golden Retriever |
OHG4 | CH Victory’s Gone Sailing RN SH Flat-Coated Retriever |
The Hound Group Ms. S Candance Way |
GRP1 | GCH CH Jantar Deja Vu At Majenkir Borzoi |
GRP2 | GCHB CH Hobarra’s I Dreamed A Dream Scottish Deerhound |
GRP3 | GCHG CH Torquay Midnight Victory Beagle (over 13 in.) |
GRP4 | GCHB CH Starline’s Kurios Whippet |
OHG1 | GCHB CH Lionlamb N Shabani’s Forbidden Fruit Rhodesian Ridgeback |
OHG2 | GCH CH Alphaville’s Flash Forward Afghan Hound |
OHG3 | GCHB CH Hobarra’s I Dreamed A Dream Scottish Deerhound |
OHG4 | GCH CH Lacey’s Ain’T No Sour Grapes Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen |
The Working Group Mrs. Nancy Simmons |
GRP1 | GCHP2 CH Cr – Wicca’s Trade Secret Akita |
GRP2 | GCHP CH Pebbles’ Run Play It Again Ham Samoyed |
GRP3 | GCHS CH Sherwood’s Saratoga Sensation Doberman Pinscher |
GRP4 | GCHB CH Patientdanes Making Waves Dori Great Dane |
OHG1 | GCH CH Brf’s Sudden Impact CGC Great Dane |
OHG2 | GCH CH Kharismas Turned To The Dark Side Mastiff |
OHG3 | CH Downeast Cooper Union Portuguese Water Dog |
OHG4 | Grandmaster Brazen Alibi Dogue de Bordeaux |
The Terrier Group Dr. H. Kellogg |
GRP1 | Lakeridge Cahal Irish Terrier |
GRP2 | GCHG CH Round Town Queen Of Hearts Of Maryscot Scottish Terrier |
GRP3 | GCHS CH Roadhouse’s Life Of The Party CA DN CGC American Staffordshire Terrier |
GRP4 | GCHG CH Class Act By Hallsblu Kerry Blue Terrier |
OHG1 | Wildwood’s Bengal Tigress Airedale Terrier |
OHG2 | Mac-Ken-Char Twinoaks Uptown Funk West Highland White Terrier |
OHG3 | GCH CH Forlegd Top Secret Xenia Onatopp Sealyham Terrier |
OHG4 | GCH CH Littlefield Un Certo Non So Che Norwich Terrier |
The Toy Group Ms. Vicki Abbott |
GRP1 | GCH CH Starfire’s Firecracker Pomeranian |
GRP2 | GCH CH Yarrow Hi-Tech Drills N Skills Affenpinscher |
GRP3 | GCHS CH Cottage Lake’s Our Lady Of Fatima Toy Manchester Terrier |
GRP4 | GCHS CH Hill Country’s Let’s Get Ready To Rumble Pug |
OHG1 | GCHB CH Yup’s Life Is A Mystery Havanese |
OHG2 | GCH CH Heubergs Richard Castle Pug |
OHG3 | GCHB CH Starsign’s All That Glitter Are Gold Papillon |
OHG4 | Tenoaks N Kapers One Note Samba Brussels Griffon |
The Non-Sporting Group Mr. David Kirkland | |
GRP1 | GCHG CH Gala Brighton Lakeridge Reflections Of Me Standard Poodle |
GRP2 | GCHG CH Iacta Alea Est De La Bete French Bulldog |
GRP3 | GCHG CH Rivendel’s Barefoot Bandit Schipperke |
GRP4 | GCH CH Trumpet’s So What’Cha Want Keeshond |
OHG1 | CH Rodels Walk On By Shiba Inu |
OHG2 | GCH CH Delamer Off The Hook Schipperke |
OHG3 | CH Planett’s Ancient Mariner CA Dalmatian |
OHG4 | GCH CH Kim Lee Whatever Lola Wants Lola Gets Chinese Shar-Pei |
The Herding Group Mrs. Nancy Simmons |
GRP1 | GCHB CH Aberlour’s Doctor Zhivago Bearded Collie |
GRP2 | GCHS CH Bagatelle Rolling Moon Stone Old English Sheepdog |
GRP3 | GCHS CH Creekwood Miss Behavin’ Smooth Collie |
GRP4 | GCH CH Windover’s Daisy Of Abijah German Shepherd Dog |
OHG1 | CH Twin City’s Joyful Noise NAP NJP Rough Collie |
OHG2 | GCHB CH Skyecove’s Bonfire Australian Shepherd |
OHG3 | GCHS CH Zaydah Guns A Blazing Puli |
OHG4 | GCH CH Shadowalk Houston Cardigan Welsh Corgi |
Misc Breeds Dr. H. Kellogg |
Best In Misc | Amazing Bernard Van De Iserman Hoeve ACT1 Nederlandse Kooikerhondje |