For reimbursements of expenses, please print out the reimbursement form and mail or email it to the following:
Postal Mail:
Trenton Kennel Club; P.O. Box 8346: Princeton, NJ 08543-8346.
[email protected]
Reimbursement forms may also be submitted at the membership meetings. Note: We are moving to printed checks once our manual checks have been depleted. Below is the schedule for the printing of checks.
- Reimbursement forms with receipts received between the 1 and the 15 of the month will be send out by the 20th of that month.
- Reimbursement forms with receipts received between the 16th and 31st of the month will be sent out on by the 5th of the following month.
- Reimbursement forms received at the membership meetings will be reimbursed at the membership meeting if the information has been submitted beforehand, otherwise they will be printed and sent out the next day.
Click on the link below to download the Reimbursement Form.