For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.
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Q: How do I register for the dog show?
A: Go to a Superintendent’s sites. The one we use is Rau Dog Shows.
Q. Must my dogs be registered with the AKC before entering them with the superintendents?
A. Yes, if entering for conformation competition they must have an AKC registration number. If entering for Obedience and/or Rally, they must have an AKC Canine Partner number which is easily obtainable.
Q. Can I enter a mixed breed dog in Obedience and/or Rally?
A. Yes, you can!!! Just register them with the AKC Canine Partners. More information can be found here.
Q. Can I enter the show the day of the show?
A. If you are entering the conformation show. The answer, unfortunately, is no. The dogs must enter before the cutoff date on the premium. If you are entering any of the Coursing Ability Tests (CAT) or FastCat (FCAT), refer to the premium. Please see the CAT and FastCat premiums for the cutoff times for each of the shows.